Title An Analysis of Planning Practice for Reinforced Concrete Core-Wall Construction in High-Rise Building Construction
Authors Ahn, Byung-Ju
Page pp.194-201
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords Core-wall construction ; Construction Planning ; High-rise building construction
Abstract Core-wall construction method is applied in many high-rise building constructions. This is caused by the advantages of the method such as the effect of saved construction cost and shortened period. However, the analysis study of planning practice for core-wall construction shows matters take place during core-wall construction, such as increasing in construction cost and period. These matters result from the limited work space leading to low productivity, the activity interference leading to increasing in period, additional temporary work cost and time, and delayed concrete pour activity. A large part of these can be prevented taking place by very detailed and most careful core-wall construction plan. Therefore, this study suggests improvement directions of core-wall construction planning process focused on the cooperation system of a contractor between a sub-contractor and the process.