Title A Study on the Unfair Aspect of Specific Provisions in the Construction Contract : Counterplan and Institutional Reformation
Authors Choi, Jea-Won ; Park, Keun-Hyung ; Kim, Yong-Su
Page pp.146-153
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords Construction Contract ; Unfair Aspect of Specific Provisions ; Claim
Abstract The purposes of this study are to survey unfair aspects of specific provisions in the construction contract, and to suggest counterplans and institutional reformations. The research method of this study includes judicial precedent analysis and a questionnaire survey. The results of this study are as follows: 1) the main problems of unfair specific provisions are payment condition, shifting of the responsibility and adjustment in the contract sum. 2) counterplans are suggested according to the construction phase : bid, construction and completion phase. 3) institutional reformations include firming up regulations, supervision, invigoration of claim, development of variation guideline, and so on.