Title An Investigation into Perceptions of Potential Customers in Busan towards Well-being Apartments
Authors Kim, Ju-Hyung ; Bin, Ju-Yeong ; Oh, Seung-Moon
Page pp.154-161
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords well-being ; consumer psychology ; marketing ; brand
Abstract The term 'well-being' which becomes a popular trend in various industries has been introduced in the housing market as well. This trend could be understood as an emerging trend rooted to customers' preference for apartments enabling residents to live comfortably and healthy in 2000s. The housing industry has attempted to meet customers' requirements by presenting 'well-being apartments' emphasizing healthy and natural-friendly aspects. For instance, suppliers in the industry has adopted master plans and unit plans to support well-being residence. In addition, they introduced less-toxic-emission materials to interior. However, it has been unknown that customers in the housing market also agree to well-being functions presented by suppliers and, if then, which aspects they consider more important. In order to answer questions stated above, a research to investigate perceptions of potential customers in Busan towards well-being apartments is designed and this paper is a summarized result. Based on the real-world investigations, the important functions or concepts relevant to well-being apartments perceived by customers are defined and suppliers' approach to meet these is presented.