Title The Correlation Factors on the Analysis of Demand Factors for Apartments
Authors Yang, Seung-Won ; Park, Keun-Joon
Page pp.80-88
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords Sensitiveness ; Correlationship ; Correlation coefficient ; Statistical data ; Principal component analysis
Abstract This research describes an interactive process of analysing the demand factors for apartment on Cheonan area. Using subjective statistical data for demand factor the process are categorized into main factors explained for the sensitiveness of correlation coefficient. This investigation is based on an analysis of the work of time series data. One of the propose of this research is determining the correlation factors that can be effectively used in the model of forcasting. The results show a significant correlation coefficient on correlation matrix to find the optimum correlation factors. The paper thus shows how to gain greater influntial factors on principal component analysis. Consequently, this paper provides useful information about correlationship, but has limit of regional boundary for effectiveness.