Title A Study on the Necessity and Applicability of Interactive Electronic Technical Manual(IETM) for Construction Projects
Authors Kang, Leen Seok ; Jung, Won Myung ; Kwak, Joong Min
Page pp.99-108
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords information technology(IT) ; electronic document ; DTD ; interactive electronic technical manual(IETM) ; WBS
Abstract Interactive electronic technical manual(IETM) for construction projects means an electronic tool that regulations and specifications related to construction method or maintenance process are described by electronic book type. It has a meaning of integrated information system that includes virtual reality(VR), 3D animation and image contents for representing real construction information so that user can easily understand the construction situation and maintenance process. The basic information and technical manuals of construction facilities are being written as paper documents in our construction industry. As the result, the information management in the maintenance phase of construction projects is inefficient, and maintenance cost is being increased. This study attempts to improve the lack of understanding about construction IETM through the analysis of necessity and unique function of construction IETM comparing with the IETMs in other industry. Finally, this study shows a scenario of construction IETM for mitigating natural disaster of construction facilities to verify applicability of IETM.