Title The Development of Schedule Risk Management Tools at the Preconstruction Phase in Building Construction - Focused on the Steel Work -
Authors Suh, Sang-Wook ; Yoon, You-Sang ; Kim, Sun-Kuk
Page pp.177-185
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords Preconstruction Phase ; Schedule risk ; Steel work
Abstract The purpose of this study is to develop a supporting tool for efficient management, at preconstruction phase, of the schedule risk that is able to generate at construction phase. The main contents of this study to develop a practical tool are as follows. First, steel work was selected as a relevant trade and a risk breakdown structure focused on the process of steel work having large effect on total construction process was made. Secondly, the work flow considering schedule risk factor was made and schedule risks that must be managed preferentially through analyzing the grade of importance for risk was selected. Finally, based on above two procedure, the management form for schedule risk was developed. It is necessary to accumulate abundant data for schedule risk for other construction process and to develop a manual and a schedule risk management system.