Title The Study on Analysis of the Claim Elements for Preventing the Potential Claim in a Large-Scale Turnkey-Base Building Project - Focused on Cases of Domestic Project
Authors Yoon, Jun-Seon
Page pp.205-211
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords Turnkey project ; Claim elements ; Extraction of claim elements ; Analysis of the cases
Abstract Turnkey projects accounting for some 10% of the total volume of the projects in the domestic market have been often implemented without the process of full-scale review or study because of clients' lack of expert and expertise. Moreover, many projects have been executed under the erms and conditions of the contract, which were found to be unilaterally in favor of the clients. The study, as part of efforts to mitigate the claims that would possibly be caused by the potential problems with the typical turnkey projects, were intended to identify the elements of the claims virtually being occurred at the construction sites, and then analyze the degree of influence on the project so as to be able to incorporate the outcome into the plan at the working-levels. As a result of experts' review, through the survey, of the elements once extracted, those having relatively higher degrees of influence on turnkey projects were determined, and the investigation aimed at estimating the amount of claims in terms of value were conducted to eventually identify, evaluate and verify the elements that had affected the project, together with the degree of influence.