Title A study of Application to the Marketing positioning and Construction Management in Apartment remodeling
Authors Lee, Jeong-Bok
Page pp.124-132
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords construction management ; apartment remodeling ; marketing positioning
Abstract The efficient preservation and improvement of stock buildings including houses have become a significant national issuecoming into the 21st century. The increase rate of new house demands have lessened and the efficient management and usage ofold buildings have become more important. However, lacking research on the effects obtained through remodelling and the perception that it is less profitable thanreconstruction have interfered with the vitalization of the market.Also, the excessive profit rate contractors insist have caused conflict between the residents and contractor and weakenedmarket stability.This research examines the related codes, the strengths and weaknesses of marketing positioning in apartment remodelling arational method for analyzing each project and the working process. A survey was performed to investigate preferences andpriorities between the business methods in order to obtain advices that can smoothly progress each project and improve overallbuilding quality. Through this study, the flow of remodeling market is elevated reaching the level in advanced nation