Title A Study on the Influence of the Characteristics of Planning on the Cost of Apartment
Authors Kim, Gwang-Ho
Page pp.89-99
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords Feasibility Analysis ; the Characteristics of Planning ; the Cost of Apartment ; Regression Analysis
Abstract Usually feasibility analysis in a narrow sense is a economic analysis of project. Feasibility analysis focused in this study isconfined to the matter of finance. Many studies have been executed in qualitative element which include decision-makingprocess or prediction of housing market. But it is difficult to find economic analysis related to characteristics of planning. In thisstudy, floor area ratio, selling area ratio and term of works are adopted as the Characteristics of Planning. So, the purpose of thisstudy is to analyze the Influence of the characteristics of planning on the cost of apartment by means of multiple regressionanalysis and what-if method.