Title An Empirical analysis of the Effect of Variables on Maintenance Expenses of Public Rental Housing
Authors Kang, Hyun-Kyu ; Han, Choong-Hee
Page pp.185-192
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords Public Rental Housing ; Operating Cost ; Deterioration
Abstract The maintenance expenses of public rental housing have drastically been increased as facilities become obsolete. As aneffective means of managing such a situation, accurate estimating of maintenance expenses and securing financial resources arecrucially important. It, therefore, is necessary to analyze major factors affecting on maintenance expenses of public rentalhousing's facilities, and develop an effective instrument to estimate them.On the other hand, the U.S.A, where approximately 60 percent of public rental housing's operating costs are supported by thestate, has already developed an effective tool to forecast operating costs based on several years' actual data. As a result, publicrental housing has been operating with a reasonable level. However, there have been no remarkable researches and studies inthis field in Korea. In this context, this study attempts to examine principal determinants of maintenance expenses of public rental housing'sfacilities, and their influence based on the latest five years' actual operating costs. This study may contribute to develop anobjective and precise tool to forecast maintenance expenses of public rental housing.