Title Quantitative Analysis of Magnitude of Rework by Project Types and Sources of Rework
Authors Hwang, Bon-Gang
Page pp.202-211
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords Rework ; Construction Costs ; Quantitative Analysis ; Project Cost Performance
Abstract Rework in the construction industry can adversely affect project cost and schedule performance. Based on direct rework costsrecorded on 359 construction projects, this paper presents an assessment of the magnitude of rework by various types of projectsand sources of rework. The results from this paper establish that on average 4.5% and 2.5% of actual construction costs werespent on rework for owner and contractor projects, respectively. Furthermore, this paper determines that the direct rework costsdiffer by project types and sources of rework. Finally, it permits the development of rework reduction initiatives. By quantifyingand recognizing the different magnitude of rework, the industry can be aware of the waste from rework and develop effectiveplans for managing rework, ultimately improving project cost performance.