Title Developing Strategies of Construction Firms through u-City Construction Project Scenarios
Authors Kwon, Yong-Ho ; Ha, Hee-Yoon ; Yoo, Byeong-Gi ; Kim, Jae-Jun
Page pp.146-154
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords Project Performance Measurement ; Contract Type ; Reimbursable Contract ; Lump Sum Contract
Abstract The u-City construction project has become a hot topic in the construction market because it seems economic value-added field for construction firms. However, construction firms don't willingly participate in the u-City construction market because the future business environments for the u-City are very uncertain. Scenario planning is a very powerful method in managing this complex planning situation and is based on scenarios that help each enterprise appropriately adapt itself to its own business environments. Therefore it is based on the main principles of systems thinking and multiple futures. For the purpose of dealing with such uncertainties, this paper attempts to develop the possible market scenarios of the u-City construction market through a scenario planning approach. From this perspective, we considered various aspects of the u-City construction such as market demands, technology development, policy level and management environment. After considering the relevant issues, we identified the main trends and key uncertainties. Then, we developed three coherent u-City construction market scenarios. On the basis of the proposed scenarios, the business strategies of potential construction firms in the u-City construction market has been formulated. Therefore, construction firms can use these scenarios as a basic data for market analysis and business strategy. Therefore, this paper is able to enhance the participation of construction firms in the u-City construction market.