Title The Casestudy of Computerization for the Feasibility Analysis Model on the Development Project of Apartment
Authors Park, Keun-Joon ; Shin, Woo-Shik
Page pp.164-172
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords Actual cost ; Apartment building ; Elemental costs ; Elemental cost
Abstract The development project usually aims to get a certain amount of return for its investment in land and capital. The success of such project is dependent on the accurate analysis of the feasibility and forcasting. It is, however, very difficult to predict due to various environmental factors. For this, it is necessary to constitute a systematic and objective method of analysis.

However, there is no method of analysis for numerous qualitative factors, such as legal, environmental, marketability. Moreover, conventional methods have some limitations because they are processed without all the scope of analysis items and any evaluation criteria. Therefore, this study will provide computerization model for feasibility study focusing on the apartment development project by a pre-sall method.

This research does casestudies to assess the feasibility analysis by the computerization model and compares to the results of the conventional methods. It showed that the evaluation results for the qualitative analysis were proportional to actual sale result. This implies that qualitative subjective factors have high correlation with sale rate and sale prices.