Title Development of the Construction Waste Management Performance Evaluation Tool (WMPET):Quantification of Waste Management Performance Factors and Establishment of Waste Management Performance Evaluation Tool
Authors Kim, Jee-Hye ; Cha, Hee-Sung ; Shin, Dong-Woo
Page pp.128-136
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords sustainability ; construction wastes ; waste management performance ; evaluation tool
Abstract As the international-level concern has been focused on the environmental sustainability in recent years, many researches emphasized the needs for methods and techniques that would facilitate sustainability assessment at the various project level interfaces. As part of methods and techniques to facilitate sustainability assessment, this paper provides 'Computerized Waste Management Performance Evaluation Tool' for the purpose of assessing the level of management system in dealing with the onsite construction wastes. This tool applies twenty-three waste management performance factors for the purpose of evaluating the level of waste management performance by scoring those factors which were identified in the previous research. These twentythree factors are classified into four categories: manpower, material, method, and management based on their characteristics. In order to quantitatively evaluate the effectiveness of waste management performance, the levels of actions executed in a site by each waste management performance factor were identified and their weight were analyzed throughout the expert interview and survey. Furthermore, an excel-based computerized tool was developed in order to facilitate the evaluation process. If this tool can be developed in more detail and be used as the method to control waste management at a project level for the future, it is expected that this tool can play an important role in the body of knowledge of environmental management in construction industry.