Title |
Development of the Space Cost Breakdown Structure(CBS) for Multi-Family Housing Projects |
Authors |
Hyun, Chang-Taek ; Hong, Tae-hoon ; Koo, Kyo-Jin ; Yeon, Hee-Jung ; Moon, Hyun-Seok ; Cho, Kyu-Man |
Keywords |
Multi-Family housing ; Construction Cost ; Space Cost Breakdown Structure ; Delphi Method |
Abstract |
As the government has enforced recently the policies on the distribution of the housing, the construction cost of multi-familyhousing projects has increasingly become very sensitive and political issue. However, it is difficult to predict the constructioncost in planning and design phase of the project because the Bill of Quantity of the multi-family housing projects was composedof breakdown structure based on each work package. To predict the construction cost in planning and design phase for multi-family housing projects in more effective andreasonable way, this study developed the cost breakdown structure based on spaces using Delphi method. The Cost BreakdownStructure (CBS) based on spaces for multi-family housing projects basically consists of three parts: (i) Building part; (ii) Non-building part; and (iii) Additional part. The characteristics of spaces in multi-family housing projects are fully taken intoconsideration. Then these three parts were subdivided into work packages in terms of work tasks. Additionally, the usefulnessand effectiveness of Space CBS in this paper were validated by analyzing the BOQs of several collected sample projects andmatching with Space CBS afterwards. |