Title Improvement Factors for Reinforced Concrete Firm against Removing the restriction of Construction Market Activation
Authors Park, Jeong-Ho ; Jun, Hun-Bai ; Cho,Kyu-Man ; Hong, Tae-hoon ; Koo, Kyo-Jin ; Hyun, Chang-Taek
Page pp.118-125
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords Construction Market Activation ; Trade Contractor ; Reinforced Concrete Firm ; SWOT Analysis ; Factor Analysis
Abstract Recently, the Ministry of Construction and Transportation announced a notice of the legislation related to remove the restriction of construction market activation in advance. The removement is an overwhelming change of the business structure in the Korean construction industry and has a far-reaching influence on general and trade contractors. The purpose of this research was to suggest improvement factors to survive an excessive competition in reinforced concrete market. This research did SWOT analysis to examine the strength, weakness, opportunity and threat of reinforced concrete firm, and established business strategies. The factor analysis was also applied with questionnaire survey to staff in charge of reinforced concrete company. It is expected that the suggested improvement factors can give effective business strategies to reinforced concrete firm. Furthermore, trade contractors having difficulty in a bottleneck in management can get help from the result of this research.