Title A Study on the Selection and Stability of Slings and Lugs of Mobile Cranesr
Authors Kim, Sun-Kuk ; Seo, Jong-Min ; Ho, Jong-Kwan
Page pp.164-174
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords Mobile Crane ; Construction Equipment ; Stability ; Sling ; Lug
Abstract As buildings become larger, higher and more complex in most construction sites, construction projects have to deal with transportation of more materials, labor and equipment, necessitating more use of construction equipment. Notably, in the high-rise building and plant construction projects mobile cranes are adopted more frequently among different types of construction machinery, which also results in serious industrial accidents relating to the use of crane. To reduce serious industrial accidents involving cranes, researches on its stability is in need. The research herein aims to study how to select sling and lug of mobile crane and review its stability. The research outcomes herein will make considerable contributions to selecting mobile cranes efficiently and ensuring their stability.