Title The Development of Life Cycle Cost Evaluation Index for Public Facilities
Authors Kim, Tae-Hui ; Gu, Bon-Hak ; Kim, Ok-Gyu ; Park, Tae-Keun ; Lee, Hyun-Soo
Page pp.216-224
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords LCC ; Public Facilities ; Evaluation Index
Abstract Recently, most developed countries use the evaluation system about Life Cycle Cost(LCC), and KOREA is beginning to introduce the system to reduce construction expenses. And the introduction of "Technical Proposal Type Bid", which is a new procurement method of Korea government, has made needs for the price-valuation way to evaluate facilities LCC. These days, LCC has been being evaluated by BTL and turnkey project in KOREA, which is suffering from difficulties in evaluating it, because evaluation elements and standards are vague. In addition, LCC evaluation in public construction business except BTL and turnkey is not carried out. Therefore, this paper is to develop a new evaluation index to evaluate LCC both systematically and objectively. The results of this paper are as followings. (1) Necessity and problem analysis of LCC evaluation index, (2) LCC evaluation index deduction from the technical report and question analysis, (3) Application and evaluation method suggestion to practice.