Title A Study on Cost Prediction of Highway Operating Risk through a Case Study of Power Failure
Authors Kwon, Yong Hoon ; Kim, Kyong Ju ; Lim, Won Seok ; Park, Chan Jin ; Chae, Myung Jin
Page pp.78-90
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords maintenance cost ; IT ; Digital Infrastructure ; risk cost
Abstract Recently, operation of highway is the complex digital Infrastructure based on complicated IT. The application of IT is increasing more and more in digital Infrastructure. Though IT is very convenient, if unpredicted operating risk of highway occurs, widespread damage can be large. When operating risk of highway occurs, road users are out of smoothly-run service because of the operating interruption. This risk causes unpredicted operating management cost and additional maintenance cost. It will excess over the planned operating cost, which may leads to users's unsafety and operator's insolvency because of income loss. Until now, related studies to find out the risk are not sufficient. The purpose of this study is to suggest risk cost items and to estimate the reasonable risk cost by using simulation method in case of occurring the huge power failure at the operating digitalized highway. This study indicates the several plans to hedge against risk cost and the management of highway project. From now on, it will be used as basic data to confirm the soundness of operating system in Digital Infrastructure.