Title A Study on the Analysis of Issue Items on Negotiation Stage of Build Transfer Lease Project
Authors Park, Yeong-Cheol ; Lee, Gun ; Lee, Hyun-Chul ; Go, Seong-Seok
Page pp.57-66
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords BTL Project ; Negotiation Stage ; Issue Items ; AHP
Abstract This study aimed to find major issues on negotiations of the BTL project, to analysis the degree, and to investigate the underlying cause and propose solutions. Data were collected from authorities in charge and the companies which have participated in BTL projects. Also, the weights of major issues were analyzed using Analytic Hierarchy Process method(AHP), which uses pair-wise comparison between variables, and the degree of them were listed in the quantitative way. As a result, 4 part had each 2 reasons and others had one reason among 6 negotiation parts of first step. In addition, the solutions were indicated.