Title A Study on the Problem and Improvement of Screening System of Low Price Subcontracting by Analyzing a Standard of Judgement Criteria
Authors Kim, Soon-Young ; Han, Choong-Hee ; Baek, Tae-Ryong ; Kim, Kyoon-Tai ; Lee, Junbok
Page pp.107-116
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords contract ; unit-price ; bidding ; submission ; turnkey
Abstract As the Fundamentals of Construction Business Act was revised in December 2004 and its implementing ordinances and enforcement regulations were adjusted in June 2005, the screening system of low price subcontracting has been an obligation to the public owners, having brought about arguments for and against since it enacted in 1983. The statutes for low price subcontracting have been reinforced from this year; for example, it underlines to submit to a project and builds an information network of subcontracting works. The system’s original intention was that prevents shoddy and fraudulent constructions caused by low price subcontracting and precludes disturbances of fair trade by screening that whether it satisfies the conditions or not in advance. But, the criterion for the existing low price subcontracting has several issues having held up a true mirror to the real situation. It is arguable to discharge an important task with the primary purpose. This dissertation have researched the problem with a deposit of subcontract and the low price subcontracting basic rate are being used by the criteria for deciding whether it is a low price subcontracting or not, so showing the plan of reformation based on the findings, it wishes to contribute toward making the most of the system’s essential intent.