Title Patterns and Trends in Cost Control Practice of Korean General Contractors
Authors Jung, Youngsoo ; Joo, Mihee
Page pp.79-87
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords Cost management ; Project management ; Management patterns ; EVMS
Abstract Cost control is an exceedingly fundamental and important construction business function. Even though enormous research efforts have been exerted in this area, there has been no comprehensive and quantitative study exploring detailed cost control practice of construction companies in terms of practical patterns and trends. This paper identified the variables for practical cost control process first. A survey questionnaire was developed and used in order to collect data from Korean general contractors. Survey results analyzing responses from 45 companies show that engineering aspects of cost management has recently been strongly stressed in the construction industry. Applying various types of progress measurement method are getting popular, and the level of details in collecting job site cost data are prevalent. Cost forecasting are performed more frequently. These trends indicates the recent efforts by Korean general contractors to achieve competitive advantages in the globalized market.