Title USN Technologies Decision Making Matrix for the Efficiency Management of Earthwork Selection
Authors Jung, Seung-Woo ; Kwon, Soon-wook
Page pp.55-62
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords Earthwork ; Ubiquitous Sensor Networks(USN) ; Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) ; Decision Support Model
Abstract Recently, construction work has diversified and become larger. So, a systematic measurement and management measures are required. In this study, USN technology which is one of the most important network technologies was selected. Based on elements derived from comparison of each element of standard was calculated according to the importance of the elements. The importance of the decision to support the proposed model is explained by integrating the importance of each criteria and decision-support model by considering the situation and creating a matrix of considerations for the construction of earthwork. The results of this study show that USN technology in the context of judging criteria can be selected for the earthwork.