Title Safety Management of the Retaining Wall Using USN Sonar Sensors
Authors Moon, Sungwoo ; Choi, Eun-gi ; Hyun Ji-hun
Page pp.22-30
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords temporary structure ; monitoring ; construction safety ; USN ; data transmission
Abstract In the construction operation, foundation work should be done in advance for the building structure to be installed. This foundation work include a number of activities such as excavation, ground water prevention, piling, wale installation, etc. Caution should be taken in the operation because the dynamics of earth movement can cause a significant failure in the temporary structure. The temporary structure, therefore, should be constantly monitored to understand its behavior. This paper introduces the USN-based monitoring system to automatically identify the behavior of the temporary structure in addition to visual inspection. The autonomous capability of the monitoring system can increase the safety in the construction operation by providing the detailed structural changes of temporary structures.