Title Assessing the Impact of RFID based materials tracking - Focusing on Curtain-Wall Work -
Authors Yoon, Su-Won ; Chin, Sangyoon ; Kim, Yea-Sang
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.6106/KJCEM.2012.13.1.024
Page pp.24-35
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords Radio Frequency Identification ; Logistics ; Curtain Wall ; Impact Assessment ; Construction Informization
Abstract RFID-based logistics is increasingly adopted in various areas of the construction industry as a technology that can improve effectiveness and efficiency of construction logistics. However, the technology is not widely adopted yet compared to the potential of RFID applications in the construction industry that the existing research has shown. Since the validation and verification of the benefit from RFID applications were biased toward the productivity of managers, more wide aspect of validation and verification is necessary. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to show how much impact the RFID-based logistics management system can have on resource leveling and allocation that have a direct impact on a construction project as well as the managers' productivity improvement that was shown by the existing research. This paper also discusses issues arisen during the test process.