Title Critical Success Factors for Wind Power Projects
Authors Lyou, Ansuck ; Kim, Byungil ; Kim, Hyoungkwan
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.6106/KJCEM.2012.13.1.140
Page pp.140-147
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords Wind Power ; Critical Success Factor ; Focus Group Interview ; Importance-Performance Analysis
Abstract Climate changes caused by fossil fuel energy usages have led to serious environmental damages and resource scarcity. Ever-increasing demand for energy causes harsh competition in international energy markets. Nuclear power, which once was regarded as a desirable clean energy, began to face public oppositions after the Japanese nuclear disaster in 2011. In this context, wind power is now considered to be an ever-more important recyclable energy source. Thus, this study intended to identify critical success factors for wind power construction projects. After a thorough literature review, two focus group interview sessions were conducted. A questionnaire-based survey, coupled with the two previous methods, resulted in the extraction of important factors for the success of wind power projects. Experts, including those working as constructors, designers, and owners, were paid a direct visit for the interview and survey. The critical success factors were categorized into feasibility study, right policies, equipment selection, and project financing issues. The proposed critical success factors are expected to be an effective guideline for future investors in wind powers.