Title Development of an Automated Gangform Climbing System for Apartment Housing Construction - Structural Stability and Tower Crane Lifting Load Analysis -
Authors Lee, Jeong-Ho ; Yang, Sang-Hoon ; Kim, Young Suk
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.6106/KJCEM.2012.13.4.048
Page pp.48-59
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords Gangform ; Structural Stability ; Lifting Load ; Tower Crane
Abstract Gangform, compared to the traditional forms, is a systemized form which can reduce construction duration and cost by the advantage of using it repeatedly. However, transportation and climbing process of the Gangform is highly dependant on the performance of tower crane. Gangform climbing process takes one day out of six to seven days of a structural work cycle. Tower cranes can not be used in other lifting works when they lift the Gangform during the structural work cycle, causing the delay in the construction project. Numerous efforts and researches have been done in domestic and international industry to solve such limitations of Gangform climbing process. Especially, “A Study on the Development of Automatic Gangform Climbing System for Apartment Housing Construction”has suggested a conceptual model which can climb the Gangform system without a tower crane. In this paper, the technical and economical feasibilities of previously proposed Automatic Gangform climbing system are examined by evaluating its structural stability and lifting load reduction effect.