Title A Profitability Forecasting Model available in Planning Stage of Housing Redevelopment Project
Authors Ahn, Kyung-Hwan ; Park, Jong-Soon ; Lee, Jong-Sik ; Kwon, Dae-Jung ; Chun, Jae-Youl
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.6106/KJCEM.2013.14.1.063
Page pp.63-70
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords Reconstruction Project ; Planning Stage ; Profitability Forecasting Model ; Decision Making
Abstract A judgment on the redevelopment projects’predicted profitability is an essential decision-making element for the success of the redevelopment projects. It is necessary to review the literature on profitability of redevelopment project and draw risk factors that could affect profitability through the risk analysis based on surveys. It is also necessary to judge profitability prediction toward the business value of the redevelopment project in the planning phase according to the risk analysis results which can affect the profitability prediction. In order to prevent the growing difficulties in executing the projects, a profitability prediction model is proposed using the method of management and disposal based on a proportional calculation that can estimate the share of expenses in order to judge profitability in the planning phase. With the improvement of profitability prediction models, it is possible to appropriately judge profitability in the planning phase in order to allow the prevention of suspension, reduction of project term, reduction of cost, and making of rational decisions.