Title Analysis of Competency Assessment Using IPA for Construction Project Managers
Authors Kim, Hwa-Rang ; Lee, Na-Kyung ; Jang, Hyoun-Seung
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.6106/KJCEM.2013.14.1.115
Page pp.115-123
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords IPA(Importance-Performance Analysis) ; Competency Assessment ; Project Manager
Abstract Changes have occurred in the professional capabilities of the construction project managers after the global financial crisis. As representatives of construction companies and projects, construction project managers have full responsibility over a construction project. Throughout its life cycle, from design through construction to completion, the business capabilities of such managers are regarded as critical elements in the changes in the country’s construction economy. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the main capabilities of current construction project managers, and to analysis of its competitiveness using Important-Performance Analysis(IPA). The results of IPA were as follows; (1)capability to win new contracts and capability to collect information of new project are needed for external relation competitiveness, (2)gerentocratic management mind-set and active breakthrough are needed for internal project management competitiveness, and (3)capability to predict issues and self-improvement are needed for self discipline competitiveness. However, this work is still considered to provide the basic data that can help Korean construction companies who plan to educate the project manager’s strengthen their medium and long-term capabilities.