Title Study on the Application of Multi-skilled labors to Factory Production Process for Securing Economic Feasibility of Modular Unit
Authors Kim, Hakcheol ; Hwang, Youngkyu ; Kim, Kyungrai
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.6106/KJCEM.2014.15.1.011
Page pp.11-19
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords Modular factory production ; Multi-skilled labor ; Conveyor system
Abstract The Construction industry is a labor-intensive industry that its labor cost takes up about 30~40% out of the whole construction cost. However, due to a stereotype that on-site work is a 3D job there is a shortage of the labor forces. Modular construction method is to produce modular units in the plant so that workers could work stably. Also, after delivering the module from plant to the site, there will be only installment to be required that shortens construction duration. Even though the modular market is currently expanding based on military facilities in Korea, its best strengths are not demonstrated well which are shortened construction period and low cost. It also causes labor problem of production due to minimum utilization of the modular construction method. Multi-skilled labor means a technician that is able to perform more than two kinds of work with more than two techniques. Multi-skilled labor can proceed smoothly by figuring out the connectivity between the precedent and following operations. Therefore, this research is to apply the concept of Multi-skilled labors, suggest solutions and allocate manpowers efficiently. As a result, it helps to decrease idle manpowers during the operation and the total labor forces can be saved. Low cost is the original strength of the modular which can stand out so the modular market is expected to expand.