Title |
Chemical/Biological/Radiological Protective Facility Entering Time Estimation Simulation with Procedure Analysis |
Authors |
Park, Sun Ho ; Lee, Hyun-Soo ; Park, Moonseo ; Kim, Sooyoung |
http://dx.doi.org/10.6106/KJCEM.2014.15.5.040 |
Keywords |
Chemical ; Biological ; Radiological Protective Facility ; Entering Time ; Simulation ; Procedure Analysis |
Abstract |
As CBR(Chemical, Biological, and Radiological) attack increases, the importance of CBR protective facilities is being emphasized. When CBR warfare emerges, a task force team, who exist outside of CBR protective facility, should enter the CBR protective facility through neutralizing process in CCA(Contamination Control Area) and TFA(Toxic Free Area). If a bottleneck occurs in the process or zones, the task force team cannot enter the CBR protective facility efficiently and may cause inefficiency in its operation performance or result in casualties. The current design criteria of the CBR protective facility is only limited to ventilation system and it does not consider how much time it takes to enter the facility. Therefore, this research aims to propose the entering time estimation model with discrete event simulation. To make the simulation model, the procedure performed through CCA and TFA is defined and segmented. The actual time of the procedure are measured and adapted for the simulation model. After running the simulation model, variables effecting the entering time are selected for alternatives with adjustments. This entering time estimation model for CBR protective facility is expected to help take time into consideration during the designing phase of CBR protective facility and help CBR protective facility managers to plan facility operation in a more realistic approach. |