Title Policies and Tasks for Improving Korean CM Industry
Authors Kang, Seunghee ; Jung, Youngsoo ; Kim, Namjoon ; Shin, Dongwoo
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.6106/KJCEM.2014.15.5.071
Page pp.71-81
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords CM System ; CM Development Policy ; CM Man-hour Placement ; CM Fee ; CM Business Scope
Abstract As domestic construction investment has been gradually reduced, the issue of expanding overseas CM market has increased. Strengthening CM capability from the view point of project life-cycle is required in overseas CM market. However, current regulations institutionally force public CM services to focus on the construction phase. Therefore, Korean CM firms can hardly have the opportunities for accumulating technical competitiveness especially for pre-construction phase. Result of this study shows that the total efforts in terms of man-hours for the construction phase is found to be more than 78 percent in domestic public CM projects. In this context, this study proposes the policies and tasks for improving 'rigid man-hour placement', 'unreasonable CM fee standards', 'CM firm selection method', 'unreasonable business scope decision', and 'evaluation of owner's project management capability' in order to improve domestic CM Industry as well as to expand overseas CM market successfully.