Title A Study of the Establishment of Framework for Information Exchnage based on IFC Model in Domestic Collaborative Design Environment
Authors Shin, Joonghwan ; Kwon, Soonwook ; Lee, Kyuhyup ; Choi, Sangduck ; Kim, Jinman
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.6106/KJCEM.2015.16.1.024
Page pp.24-34
ISSN 1229-7534
Keywords BIM ; Design Collaboration ; Data Exchange ; IFC ; Collaboration Tool
Abstract As recent multilateral collaboration design system has been advanced, BIM based data exchange is a key factor for successful next generation building project. Even though many studies have been trying to set up a data compatibility system for collaboration, There are still a lot of problem in data exchange between design and engineering phase. Therefore, In this study, we analysis causes of problem for information exchange and suggest a IFC based Information exchange framework for improving BIM based design collaboration environment. In order to find out problems that hinder establishment of advanced open BIM information exchange, proper analysis about transition of process from current and to-be BIM based design collaboration process is important, at first. From analysis of main obstacles to information exchange, this research suggests solution plan using open API and IFC based BIM collaboration supporting system. The suggested open API solution named Integrity feedback system perform a role making up for weak point derived from IFC based data exchange. And main system suggestion about framework for IFC based information exchange reflect technological system support, requirement of function for collaboration including API/BCF plug-in.