Title |
Calculation Model for Function & Cost Score based on Normalizaiton Method in Design VE |
http://dx.doi.org/10.6106/KJCEM.2015.16.4.098 |
Keywords |
Design VE ; Function Score ; Cost Score ; Normalization ; Decision Making |
Abstract |
VE aims at reduction in a budget, improvement of function, structural safety and quality security for public construction projects. However, there is possibility for the structural safety and quality security review to be insufficient because related regulations are mostly composed of analysis on economic efficiency of design. In addition, due to the misconception about VE as a cost saving methodology, an alternative is being presented which still focuses mainly on cost saving, but with no objective evaluation of function related to cost. In order to improve this, the government adopted the reduction of life cycle cost and proposal of value improvement, and let people specify the cost and function of the original plan versus the alternative plan, and the value changes between them. However, it is written mainly into practical convenience rather than theoretical basis since a specific way is not suggested. The current method sets a different starting point by applying the attributional difference of function and cost. Furthermore, an evaluation standard for correlating is an important element in rational decision making for assessing and choosing an alternative. This paper analyzes the process and method of function & cost scoring when performing VE and suggests a mathematical normalization model in order to support rational decision making when selecting an optimum plan. |