Title Development of Collaboration and Communication Platform based on Contents for an Efficient Task Management in Construciton Project
Authors Kim, Seong-Ah ; Jung, Choong-Won ; Kim, Nam-Ho ; Choi, Cheol-Ho ; Chin, Sang-Yoon
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.6106/KJCEM.2016.17.3.098
Page pp.98-107
ISSN 2005-6095
Keywords Project Management ; Collaboration ; Communication ; Contents ; Platform
Abstract An information system in a construction project has been typically used for drawing, document management, and administration process. And it has limitations to support real-time communication and collaboration among project stakeholders. The objective of this research is to improve communication, information share, and task management by developing a collaboration platform among project stakeholders supporting various communication methods and contents. The platform developed in this research, named as CCP, aims to support communication and collaboration related activities beyond the scope of legacy systems at construction sites. CCP was validated through pilot test and user survey, and it was found to be very helpful for sharing and distributing information, tracking and recording, and improving a user’s work capability.