Title A Development Direction of Infrastructure Based Disaster Mitigation & Management Integrated System
Authors Park, Suyeul ; Oh, Eunho ; Choi, Bonghyuck ; Kim, Jinman
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.6106/KJCEM.2016.17.3.134
Page pp.134-142
ISSN 2005-6095
Keywords Infrastructure ; Technology Need Survey ; Patent and Technical Journal Analysis ; Disaster Management System ; Infrastructure Integrated System
Abstract Main infrastructures, such as levee, dam, bridge, road, etc., are very important due to not only the means of support for social and industrial activities in normal situation but also the means of protection of life and property during disaster occurrence. In spite of this importance of infrastructures, however, any disaster management systems that actively use these infrastructures are not developed yet. Moreover, infrastructures are not usually included in emergency action plans, thus it occurs second and third impact on communities and industries due to collapsing or damage of infrastructures. Therefore, the authors in this paper analyzed previous research, SWOT, STEEP, and patents and technical journals and conducted a technology need survey ni order to understand the trend of disaster management system as well as suggest main research fields and detail research items. The results of this paper will be a foundation of developing an advanced infrastructure integrated system of maintenance and disaster mitigation and contribute our nation to have an active response system by using infrastructure.