Title Development of All-in-one Attachment Based Steel Pipe Pile Cutting Robot Prototype
Authors Yeom, Dong Jun ; Han, Jae Hyun ; Jung, Eui Hyun ; Kim, Young Suk
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.6106/KJCEM.2018.19.6.115
Page pp.115-123
ISSN 2005-6095
Keywords Steel Pipe Pile ; Head Cutting Work ; Automated Robot ; AHP Analysis ; Structural Stability Analysis ; Prototype
Abstract The primary objective of this study is to develop an all-in-one based steel pipe pile cutting robot prototype that improves the conventional steel pipe pile head cutting work in safety, quality, and productivity. For this, the following research works are conducted sequentially; 1)literature review and expert survey, 2)selection of core technology using AHP analysis, 3)deduction of detail design, 4)verification of structural stability, 5)development of full-scale prototype. As a result leveling laser and laser detector(94.46), plasma cutter(96.72), rotary grapple(98.45) are selected as a core technologies. As an outcome, it is analyzed that gripper, cylinder pivot bracket and gripper base are structurally stable. Their maximum stresses are shown as 43.0%, 19.4%, 5.3% compared to their yield strength respectively. The development of full-scale prototype in this study will be utilized for the development of the all-in-one attachment based steel pipe pile cutting robot commercialization model.