Title A Method of Measuring Accessibility for Community Infrastructure Planning
Authors Yhee, Hayeon ; Kim, Sungpyo ; Kang, Sanghyeok
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.6106/KJCEM.2020.21.1.023
Page pp.21-31
ISSN 2005-6095
Keywords Infrastructure Planning;Accessibility;Community Infrastructure;Time Distance;Urban Regeneration
Abstract Recently, interest and financial investment in community infrastructure have been growing. Accordingly, Korean Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport suggested a standard for community infrastructure planning. The standard was based on time distance which represents citizens’ accessibility to infrastructure facilities. This paper presents a method to use the navigation application programming interface (API) to calculate travel time. Buffer analysis using Euclidean distance has been widely used so far to evaluate accessibility. However, this method has limitation in that it does not reflect situations in the real world such as crosswalks and slope ways. The infrastructure accessibility indices of local towns in Yeonsu-gu, Incheon were computed based on the time obtained by navigation API. Also, Yeonsu-gu was spatially analyzed to reveal the resident units that are marginalized from community infrastructure facilities. Using navigation API enables to compute realistic accessibility indices and to find unbenefitted residential areas. The method presented in this paper can help community infrastructure planners for their facility spatial plan and budget distribution.