Title |
Development of Smart Safety Sensors to Prevent Falling and Contact Accidents at Construction Sites |
https://dx.doi.org/10.6106/KJCEM.2021.22.1.047 |
Keywords |
Safety Accident; Construction Sites; Ultrasonic Sensor; Arduino |
Abstract |
According to the Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency's (KOSHA) report on industrial accident statistics over the past four years, the number of casualties at construction sites from 2017 to June 2020 was about 93,158 and the number of deaths was about 1,977, showing a high trend of safety accidents among the eight major occupational groups, with the construction industry ranking third in total and the death rate being the highest in total. Among them, the number of deaths caused by falls in the entire occupational category is about 1,267, the highest rate of deaths due to contact is about 522, which is a frequent safety accident among the top three accident types. This paper aims to help reduce the overall proportion of construction safety accidents by developing smart safety sensing devices using ultrasonic sensors to prevent two types of safety accidents, which have the highest rate of occurrence among various types of safety accidents occurring at construction sites. |