Title |
Comparative Analysis in Risk Perception of Daycare Center between End-Users and Construction Experts by Applying Traditional and Revised Importance-Performance Analysis |
Authors |
Lee, Kyung-Tae ; Kim, Hong-Ju ; Jekal, Jae-Woong ; Kim, Jae-Won ; Kim, Ju-Hyung |
https://dx.doi.org/10.6106/KJCEM.2022.23.1.003 |
Keywords |
Daycare Center; Traditional IPA; Revised IPA; Risk Perception; Sensitivity Analysis; Comparative Analysis |
Abstract |
Daycare center is an important space for children's mental, physical and social development. Each space of daycare center should be designed and constructed considering interests of end-users such as children and teachers. However, insufficient related guidelines and standardized design and construction of daycare center to moderate potential risks of each space. This arises from the difference in perception of each space between end-users (head and sub teachers) and construction experts (designers and contractors). Therefore, research framework was developed for analyzing the factors of perception differences of each space in daycare center between these groups applied traditional and modified Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA). By comparing risk perception between end-users and experts in two methods, it can be support as construction guide for daycare center in the future and will help minimize conflicts in construction among stakeholders. Moreover, it was found that traditional IPA is comfortable to catch prior project perception of participants, and revised IPA is considered to judge outputs by identifying participant’s importance based on the satisfaction of the project performance. Therefore, if IPAs are applied according to the characteristics of the circumstances, it is possible to analyze the perception difference between end-users and construction experts based on the context before and after the construction of the daycare center. |